
Welcome Students!!

You may not know it yet, but YOU are an inventor!!

You will be working with your teacher, family, and other students over the next few weeks to solve a problem, create a solution, design and build the solution – and at the end you can say “I am an Inventor!

How Will You Become an Inventor?

  • Your teacher will work with you so you understand what an invention is.  You will do some fun exercises in class to get your creative juices flowing.
  • You will think of a problem in your life – or in your parents’ lives – or in your friends’ lives – that is annoying and needs solving.
  • You will design a solution to this problem.  Your teacher or your parents or another adult can help, but you must do the work.  That includes research to make sure this invention doesn’t already exist!  Or if it does exist, how does your solution improve upon it?
  • Along the way, you will keep an Inventor’s Log describing each step in your process.
  • You will build the invention (but keep the cost down – using recycled materials etc).  You can get help from an adult, but most of the work is yours.
  • You will have the opportunity to make a display board that goes along with your invention that tells the story of your invention, what it does, who might use it and you will demonstrate and explain your invention in your classroom.
  • You will also have the opportunity to demonstrate and explain your invention at the Tennessee Invention Convention.


Learn about the Tennessee Invention Convention

“All Kids Are Inventors”